Volleyball Standings

Winter 2022 Court Volleyball 6's - Wednesdays

  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
Set W/L
1   Blocking Dead 10 (1)º 2 0 20 11 11 22
2   Team Three 9 3 0 18 11 14 25
3   Block and Awe 7 4 0 14 13 7 20
4   Can You Dig It? 7 5 0 14 15 6 21
5   You've been CERB'd 5 7 0 10 18 0 18
6   Volley Llama's 5 6 0 10 16 1 17
7   Overweight Heavy Smokers 1 9 1 3 24 -18 6
8   Quaranteam 1 9 (1)º 1 2 24 -21 3
How are Standings Calculated?
Game Points: Win = 2 pts, Loss = 0 pts, Tie = 1 pt & defaulted game = -1pt.

Playoff Tie Breaker: To break a tie: (1) head-to-head competition (2) least points "against" (3) points "+/-" (4) points "for"
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.