Volleyball Schedule

Summer 2023 Beach Volleyball 4's Intermediate - Monday

Monday, June 19

Season One Playoff Semi Final Schedule
Semi-Final Matchups: 1st vs 4th (A), 2nd vs 3rd (B). All teams participate in playoff games.
Court 2
6:00 PM
2nd vs 3rd (B)
7:00 PM
1st vs 4th (A)

Monday, June 26

Season One Playoff Final Schedule
Final Matchups: Winner A vs Winner B - Championship, Loser A vs Loser B- 3rd Place.
S1 Champs
Stranger Things
Court 2
Court 1
6:00 PM
Loser A vs Loser B- 3rd Place
7:00 PM
Winner A vs Winner B - Championship

Monday, August 7

Sets on the beach forfeited to Stranger Swings.
Court 2
7:00 PM

Monday, August 21

Playoff Semi Final Schedule
Semi-Final Matchups: 1st vs 4th (A), 2nd vs 3rd (B). All teams participate in playoff games. Game times will be posted 48 hours after the last regular season game.
Court 1
6:00 PM
2nd vs 3rd (B)
7:00 PM
1st vs 4th (A)

Monday, August 28

Playoff Final Schedule
Final Matchups: Winner A vs Winner B - Championship, Loser A vs Loser B- 3rd Place. Game times will be posted 48 hours after the semi-final games.
Court 1
6:00 PM
Loser A vs Loser B- 3rd Place
7:00 PM
Winner A vs Winner B - Championship