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  5-on-5 Mixed Gender (minimum 1 man, 1 woman), 55 minutes

Winter 2025 Indoor Basketball 5's Recreational - Sunday

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Basketball is a well-loved SSC sport. We play 5-on-5 basketball in a fun, high-energy and fast-paced setting every week – emphasis on FUN! Players need to bring their sneakers and a team ball, and VSSC will take care of the rest!


🏀EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: This league requires teams to bring a basketball. Equipment rentals are not provided by VSSC.

📅# OF GAMES: 12 games (10 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

🕛GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 6:00pm and 9:00pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: Feb 16, March 23, 30, April 20.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Sunday, January 7th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions, check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

1.12, 1.19, 1.26, 2.2, 2.9, 2.23, 3.2, 3.9, 3.16, 3.23, 4.6, 4.13, 4.27

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 9:00 PM

  6-on-6 Mixed Gender (Minimum 2 men, 2 women), 55 minutes

Winter 2025 Court Volleyball 6's - Sunday

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Bump, set and spike your way into our popular Court 6’s leagues that are a great mix of social, fun and competitive spirit!

We offer two skill divisions, recreation and intermediate. Unsure of your skill level? Check out our Skill Level guidelines in the footer menu at the bottom of our website.

This league is mixed gender and teams are required to have a minimum of 2 men and 2 women on the court.


🏐EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: This league requires teams to bring a basketball. Equipment rentals are not provided by VSSC.

📅# OF GAMES: 12 games (10 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

🕛GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 6:00pm and 9:00pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: Feb 16, March 23, 30, Apr 20.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, January 7th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

1.12, 1.19, 1.26, 2.2, 2.9, 2.23, 3.2, 3.9, 3.16, 3.23, 4.6, 4.13, 4.27

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 7:45 PM, 8:00 PM, 8:45 PM, 9:00 PM

  5-on-5 Mixed Gender (minimum 1 man, 1 woman), 55 minutes

Winter 2025 Indoor Basketball 5's - Monday

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Basketball is a well-loved SSC sport. We play 5-on-5 basketball in a fun, high-energy and fast-paced setting every week – emphasis on FUN! Players need to bring their sneakers and a team ball, and VSSC will take care of the rest!


🏀EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: This league requires teams to bring a basketball. Equipment rentals are not provided by VSSC.

📅# OF GAMES: 12 games (10 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

🕛GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 6:00pm and 9:30pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: Feb 17, March 17, 24, April 21.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Sunday, January 7th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions, check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

1.13, 1.20, 1.27, 2.3, 2.10, 2.24, 3.3, 3.10, 3.17, 3.24, 3.31, 4.7, 4.14, 4.28

6:00 PM, 6:15 PM, 7:00 PM, 7:15 PM, 8:00 PM, 8:15 PM, 8:30 PM, 8:45 PM, 9:00 PM, 9:30 PM

  6-on-6 Mixed Gender (Minimum 2 men, 2 women), 55 minutes

Winter 2025 Dodgeball - Monday - Open Gender - Recreational

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If you can dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge some more then this is the league for you! VSSC Dodgeball is easy to learn, fast-paced and is played 6-on-6! Emphasis is on FUN!


🤾🏻‍♀️EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: This league requires teams to bring two dodgeballs. Teams can choose to purchase their own equipment, or rent from VSSC! Teams should visit our Equipment Rental Page for more information including price and important pick up dates. Individual teams are not required to rent - dodgeballs will be provided by VSSC.

📅# OF GAMES: 12 games (10 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

🕛GAME TIMES: Start times are allocated between 6:00pm and 9:00pm. VSSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: Feb 17, March 17, 24, April 21.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, January 7th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

1.13, 1.20, 1.27, 2.3, 2.10, 2.24, 3.3, 3.10, 3.18, 3.31, 4.1, 4.7, 4.14, 4.28

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 9:00 PM

Floor Hockey
  4-on-4 + Goalie - Mixed Gender (Minimum 1 man, 1 woman) 55 minutes

Winter 2025 Floor Hockey - Monday

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You miss 100% of the shots you don't take! So why not join us for Floor Hockey this season?


🏒EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Equipment is provided on site. Goalies may wish to bring their own gear.

📅# OF GAMES: 12 games (10 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

🕛GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 6:00pm and 9:30pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: Feb 17, March 17 24, April 21.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

SKILL: League will be tiered based on team skill level and previous season results.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, January 7th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

1.13, 1.20, 1.27, 2.3, 2.10, 2.24, 3.3, 3.10, 3.17, 3.24, 3.31, 4.7, 4.14, 4.28

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 7:30 PM, 8:00 PM, 8:30 PM, 9:00 PM, 9:30 PM

  6-on-6 Open Gender (No gender restrictions)

Winter 2025 Indoor Turf Soccer 6's @ Island Training Center - Monday

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Indoor Turf Soccer 6's is now available at the Pacific FC Island Training Center.

This 6-on-6 game combines all the aspects of soccer that you know and love with the added benefit of playing on turf and avoiding the outdoor weather.


⚽EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: This league requires teams to bring a soccer ball. Equipment rentals are not provided by VSSC.

📅# OF GAMES: 12 games (10 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

🕛GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 6:30pm and 7:30pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: Feb 17, March 17, 24, April 21.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, January 7th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

1.13, 1.20, 1.27, 2.3, 2.10, 2.24, 3.3, 3.10, 3.17, 3.31, 4.7, 4.14, 4.28

6:30 PM, 7:30 PM

  6-on-6 Mixed Gender (Minimum 2 men, 2 women)

Winter 2025 Court Volleyball 6's - Monday

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Bump, set and spike your way into our popular Court 6’s leagues that are a great mix of social, fun and competitive spirit!

We offer two skill divisions, recreation and intermediate. Unsure of your skill level? Check out our Skill Level guidelines in the footer menu at the bottom of our website.

This league is mixed gender and teams are required to have a minimum of 2 men and 2 women on the court.


🏐EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: This league requires teams to bring a basketball. Equipment rentals are not provided by VSSC.

# OF GAMES: 12 games (10 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 6:00pm and 10:00pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: Feb 17, March 17, 24, Apr 21.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, January 7th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

1.13, 1.20, 1.27, 2.3, 2.10, 2.24, 3.3, 3.10, 3.17, 3.24, 3.31, 4.7, 4.14, 4.28

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 9:00 PM

  2-on-2 Open Gender (No gender restrictions)

Winter 2025 Badminton Play & Social - Tuesday - Jan-Mar @ Cloverdale Elementary

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Have you always wanted to play more badminton? Skill level and experience do not matter with VSSC badminton, the only requirement is your desire to play!

Play Badminton and meet new people this season! Players will get a chance to play with different teammates and against different opponents every week while enjoying this casual and social drop-in style of play!


🏸EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: This league requires teams to bring a badminton racquet. VSSC will provide nets and birdies on site. Equipment rentals are not provided by VSSC.

📅# OF GAMES: 12 weeks.

🕛 START TIME: Tuesday nights with start times of 7:00pm.

BYE DATES: March 18, 25.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

1.14, 1.21, 1.28, 2.4, 2.11, 2.18, 2.25, 3.4, 3.11, 3.25

7:00 PM, 8:30 PM

  6-on-6, Mixed Gender (Minimum 2 men, 2 women), 55 minutes”

Winter 2025 Dodgeball - Tuesday

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If you can dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge some more then this is the league for you! VSSC Dodgeball is easy to learn, fast-paced and is played 6-on-6! Emphasis is on FUN!


🤾🏻‍♀️EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: This league requires teams to bring two dodgeballs. Teams can choose to purchase their own equipment, or rent from VSSC! Teams should visit our Equipment Rental Page for more information including price and important pick up dates. Individual teams are not required to rent - dodgeballs will be provided by VSSC.

📅# OF GAMES: 12 games (10 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

🕛GAME TIMES: Start times are allocated between 7:00pm and 9:00pm. VSSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: March 18, 25.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, January 7th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

1.14, 1.21, 1.28, 2.4, 2.11, 2.18, 2.25, 3.4, 3.11, 3.18, 4.1, 4.8, 4.15

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 9:00 PM

  Teams of 2, Open Gender, 2 hours.

Winter 2025 Golf Simulator League - Tuesday

  • Locations: Golf & Grind
  • • Day: Tuesday • Started: 1/14
    Deadline: 1/2
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Experience the most realistic and immersive golfing experience, allowing players of all skill levels to enjoy the game year-round, regardless of weather or time constraints. From renowned courses to detailed swing analysis, Simulator Golf brings the thrill of the fairway to life with precision accuracy and stunning graphics.

Simulator Golf is not eligible for Podium Pricing


📅# OF WEEKS: 9 Weeks

🕛GAME TIMES: Games will start at 7:00pm and end at 9:00pm.

BYE DATES: March 18, 25.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, January 7th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

1.14, 1.21, 1.28, 2.4, 2.11, 2.18, 2.25, 3.4, 3.11

7:00 PM

  5-on-5 Mixed Gender (Minimum 1 man, 1 woman), 55 Minutes

Winter 2025 Futsal Recreational - Tuesday

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Futsal (indoor soccer) is an amazing sport that is fast paced and requires high energy. It simulates the outdoor game but indoors, with touchline boundaries, with small sided games (5-vs-5) and a smaller ball (size 4). VSSC uses a low bounce ball which promotes more ball control.


⚽EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: This league requires teams to bring a futsal ball.Teams can choose to purchase their own equipment, or rent from VSSC! Teams and should visit our Equipment Rental Page for more information including price and important pick up dates.

📅# OF GAMES: 12 games (10 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

🕛GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 6:45pm and 9:30pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: March 18, 25.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, January 7th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

1.14, 1.21, 1.28, 2.4, 2.11, 2.18, 2.25, 3.4, 3.11, 3.18, 4.1, 4.8, 4.15

6:45 PM, 7:45 PM, 8:30 PM, 8:45 PM, 9:30 PM

  6-on-6 Mixed Gender (Minimum 2 men, 2 women), 55 minutes

Winter 2025 Court Volleyball 6's - Tuesday

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Bump, set and spike your way into our popular Court 6’s leagues that are a great mix of social, fun and competitive spirit!

We offer two skill divisions, recreation and intermediate. Unsure of your skill level? Check out our Skill Level guidelines in the footer menu at the bottom of our website.

This league is mixed gender and teams are required to have a minimum of 2 men and 2 women on the court.


🏐EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: This league requires teams to bring a basketball. Equipment rentals are not provided by VSSC.

📅# OF GAMES: 12 games (10 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

🕛GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 6:00pm and 10:00pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: March 18, 25.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, January 7th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

1.14, 1.21, 1.28, 2.4, 2.11, 2.18, 2.25, 3.4, 3.11, 3.18, 3.25, 4.1, 4.8, 4.15

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 8:30 PM, 9:00 PM, 9:30 PM

  2-on-2 Open Gender (No gender restrictions)

Winter 2025 Badminton Play & Social - Wednesday @ Doncaster Elementary

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Have you always wanted to play more badminton? Skill level and experience do not matter with VSSC badminton, the only requirement is your desire to play!

Play Badminton and meet new people this season! Players will get a chance to play with different teammates and against different opponents every week while enjoying this casual and social drop-in style of play!


🏸EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: This league requires teams to bring a badminton racquet. VSSC will provide nets and birdies on site. Equipment rentals are not provided by VSSC.

📅# OF GAMES: 12 weeks.

🕛 START TIME: Wednesday nights with start times of 7:00pm.

BYE DATES: March 19, 26.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

1.15, 1.22, 1.29, 2.5, 2.12, 2.19, 2.26, 3.5, 3.12, 4.2, 4.9, 4.16

7:00 PM

  5-on-5 Mixed Gender

Winter 2025 Indoor Basketball 5's - Wednesday

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Basketball is a well-loved SSC sport. We play 5-on-5 basketball in a fun, high-energy and fast-paced setting every week – emphasis on FUN! Players need to bring their sneakers and a team ball, and VSSC will take care of the rest!


🏀EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: This league requires teams to bring a basketball. Equipment rentals are not provided by VSSC.

# OF GAMES: 12 games (10 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 6:00pm and 9:30pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: March 19, 26.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Sunday, January 7th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions, check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

1.15, 1.22, 1.29, 2.5, 2.12, 2.19, 2.26, 3.5, 3.12, 3.19, 4.2, 4.9, 4.16

6:00 PM, 6:15 PM, 7:00 PM, 7:15 PM, 8:00 PM, 8:15 PM, 8:30 PM, 8:45 PM, 9:00 PM, 9:30 PM

Floor Hockey
  4-on-4 + Goalie - Mixed Gender (Minimum 1 man, 1 woman) 55 minutes

Winter 2025 Floor Hockey Recreational - Wednesday

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You miss 100% of the shots you don't take! So why not join us for Floor Hockey this season?


🏒EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Equipment is provided on site. Goalies may wish to bring their own gear.

📅# OF GAMES: 12 games (10 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

🕛GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 6:00pm and 9:30pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: March 19, 26.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, January 7th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

1.15, 1.22, 1.29, 2.5, 2.12, 2.19, 2.26, 3.5, 3.12, 4.2, 4.9, 4.16

6:15 PM, 7:15 PM, 8:00 PM, 8:15 PM, 9:00 PM, 9:15 PM

  5-on-5 Mixed Gender (Minimum 1 man, 1 woman), 55 minutes

Winter 2025 Futsal Intermediate - Wednesday

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Futsal (indoor soccer) is an amazing sport that is fast paced and requires high energy. It simulates the outdoor game but indoors, with touchline boundaries, with small sided games (5-vs-5) and a smaller ball (size 4). VSSC uses a low bounce ball which promotes more ball control.


⚽EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: This league requires teams to bring a futsal ball.Teams can choose to purchase their own equipment, or rent from VSSC! Teams and should visit our Equipment Rental Page for more information including price and important pick up dates.

📅# OF GAMES: 12 games (10 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

🕛GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 6:45 and 8:45pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: March 19, 26.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, January 7th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

1.15, 1.22, 1.29, 2.5, 2.12, 2.19, 2.26, 3.5, 3.12, 4.2, 4.9, 4.16

6:00 PM, 6:45 PM, 7:00 PM, 7:45 PM, 8:15 PM, 8:45 PM

  6-on-6 Open Gender (No gender restrictions), 55 minutes

Winter 2025 Indoor Turf Soccer 6's @ Island Training Center - Wednesday

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Indoor Turf Soccer 6's is now available at the Pacific FC Island Training Center.

This 6-on-6 game combines all the aspects of soccer that you know and love with the added benefit of playing on turf and avoiding the outdoor weather.


⚽EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: This league requires teams to bring a soccer ball. Equipment rentals are not provided by VSSC.

📅# OF GAMES: 12 games (10 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

🕛GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 6:30pm and 7:30pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: March 19, 26.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, January 7th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

1.15, 1.22, 1.29, 2.5, 2.12, 2.19, 2.26, 3.5, 3.12, 4.2, 4.9, 4.16

6:30 PM

  6-on-6 Mixed Gender (Minimum 2 men, 2 women), 55 minutes

Winter 2025 Court Volleyball 6's - Wednesday

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Bump, set and spike your way into our popular Court 6’s leagues that are a great mix of social, fun and competitive spirit!

We offer two skill divisions, recreation and intermediate. Unsure of your skill level? Check out our Skill Level guidelines in the footer menu at the bottom of our website.

This league is mixed gender and teams are required to have a minimum of 2 men and 2 women on the court.


🏐EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: This league requires teams to bring a basketball. Equipment rentals are not provided by VSSC.

📅# OF GAMES: 12 games (10 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

🕛GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 6:00pm and 10:00pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: March 19, 26.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, January 7th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

1.15, 1.22, 1.29, 2.5, 2.12, 2.19, 2.26, 3.5, 3.12, 3.19, 3.26, 4.2, 4.9, 4.16

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 8:30 PM, 9:00 PM, 9:30 PM

ic_sport All Sorts Of Sports
  Mixed Gender (minimum 2 men, 2 women), Recreational, 55 minutes

Winter 2025 All Sorts of Sports - Thursday - Recreational

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We know how hard it can be to pick just one sport to play. In this All-Sorts-of-Sports league, each week you will enjoy a rotation of Court Volleyball 6's, Basketball 4's, Floor Hockey 5's, Dodgeball 6's and Futsal 5's.

This Recreational League is mixed gender and teams are required to have a minimum of 2 men and 2 women on the courts at all times.

You can register three ways with VSSC - As an individual, as an individual with friends, or as a team! Don't miss out as these leagues will sell out fast!


🏆EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Equipment for this league is provided by SSC and set up by your Game Coordinator every week.

📅# OF GAMES: 12 games (10 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

🕖GAME TIMES: Start times are allocated between 6:00pm and 9:00pm. VSSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable). However, many factors including number of registrations, permit cancellations and facility changes can impact both location availability and timeslots.

BYE DATES: March 20, 27.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, January 7th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

1.16, 1.23, 1.30, 2.6, 2.13, 2.20, 2.27, 3.6, 3.13, 4.3, 4.10, 4.17

6:00 PM, 6:15 PM, 7:00 PM, 7:15 PM, 8:00 PM, 8:15 PM, 9:00 PM

  5-on-5 Mixed Gender (Minimum 1 man, 1 woman) , 55 minutes

Winter 2025 Futsal Recreational - Thursday

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Futsal (indoor soccer) is an amazing sport that is fast paced and requires high energy. It simulates the outdoor game but indoors, with touchline boundaries, with small sided games (5-vs-5) and a smaller ball (size 4). VSSC uses a low bounce ball which promotes more ball control.


⚽EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: This league requires teams to bring a futsal ball.Teams can choose to purchase their own equipment, or rent from VSSC! Teams and should visit our Equipment Rental Page for more information including price and important pick up dates.

📅# OF GAMES: 12 games (10 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

🕛GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 7:00pm and 9:15pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: March 20, 27.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, January 7th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

1.16, 1.23, 1.30, 2.6, 2.13, 2.20, 2.27, 3.6, 3.13, 4.3, 4.10, 4.17

7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 8:15 PM, 9:00 PM, 9:15 PM

  6-on-6 Mixed Gender (Minimum 2 men, 2 women), 55 minutes

Winter 2025 Court Volleyball 6's - Thursday

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Bump, set and spike your way into our popular Court 6’s leagues that are a great mix of social, fun and competitive spirit!

We offer two skill divisions, recreation and intermediate. Unsure of your skill level? Check out our Skill Level guidelines in the footer menu at the bottom of our website.

This league is mixed gender and teams are required to have a minimum of 2 men and 2 women on the court.


🏐EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: This league requires teams to bring a basketball. Equipment rentals are not provided by VSSC.

📅# OF GAMES: 12 games (10 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

🕛GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 6:00pm and 10:00pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: March 20, 27.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, January 7th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

1.16, 1.23, 1.30, 2.6, 2.13, 2.20, 2.27, 3.6, 3.13, 3.20, 4.3, 4.10, 4.17

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 9:00 PM

ic_sport All Sorts Of Sports
  Open Gender, Recreational, 120 minutes

Winter 2025 All Sorts of Sports & Pub Social - Friday

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If you are new to Victoria, or looking to meet some sports-minded people this season, this is your opportunity!

VSSC's staple All-Sorts-of-Sports & Pub Social program offers a great balance of sport and social. Each night, you will play 2 hours of sports including Court Volleyball, Basketball, Dodgeball, Floor Hockey and Benchball! Teams are decided each night, so you will have the chance to play with different people every week!

The best part? After playing, we will head to the bar restaurant located on-site for a drink or two!


📅# OF GAMES: 12 game nights

🕖GAME TIME: Game time is 7:00pm-9:00pm (game times may vary for floor hockey.)

BYE DATES: March 21, 28, April 18.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.”

FRIEND REQUESTS: If you have friends who want to play, be sure to invite them to join you. Jump into your player account page on our website and use the “Invite your Friends” option to either send a direct email inviting them to play with you, or copy and paste your unique sign-up link to social media and have them click through to register.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions, check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email, which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

1.17, 1.24, 1.31, 2.7, 2.14, 2.21, 2.28, 3.7, 3.14, 4.4, 4.11, 4.25

7:00 PM

  2-on-2 Open Gender (No gender restrictions)

Winter 2025 Badminton Play & Social - Tuesday @ George Jay

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Have you always wanted to play more badminton? Skill level and experience do not matter with VSSC badminton, the only requirement is your desire to play!

Play Badminton and meet new people this season! Players will get a chance to play with different teammates and against different opponents every week while enjoying this casual and social drop-in style of play!


🏸EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: This league requires teams to bring a badminton racquet. VSSC will provide nets and birdies on site. Equipment rentals are not provided by VSSC.

📅# OF GAMES: 12 weeks.

🕛 START TIME: Tuesday nights with start times of 7:00pm.

BYE DATES: March 18, 25.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

1.21, 1.28, 2.4, 2.11, 2.18, 2.25, 3.4, 3.11, 4.1, 4.8, 4.15, 4.22

7:00 PM

  7-on-7 Mixed Gender (Minimum 2 men, 2 women), 55 minutes

Winter 2025 Turf Soccer 7's - Sunday @ GNS

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Turf Soccer 7's is back again this Summer at the gorgeous GNS turf field!

This 7-on-7 game combines all the aspects of soccer that you know and love with the added benefit of playing on pristine turf.


📅# OF GAMES: 10 Games (8 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

🕛GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 12:30pm and 3:30pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: Feb 16, March 23, 30, Apr 20.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, January 7th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

1.26, 2.2, 2.9, 2.23, 3.2, 3.9, 3.16, 3.23, 4.6, 4.13, 4.27

12:30 PM, 1:30 PM, 2:30 PM, 3:30 PM

  7-on-7 Open Gender (No gender requirements)), 55 minutes

Winter 2025 Turf Soccer 7's Recreational - Sunday @ Victoria High School

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Turf Soccer 7's under the lights at the new Victoria Highschool Turf Field!

This 7-on-7 game combines all the aspects of soccer that you know and love with the added benefit of playing on pristine turf.


⚽EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: This league requires teams to bring a soccer ball. Equipment rentals are not provided by SSC.

📅# OF GAMES: 10 Games (8 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

🕛GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 6:00pm and 7:00pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: Feb 16, March 23, 30, April 20

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, January 7th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

1.26, 2.2, 2.9, 2.23, 3.2, 3.9, 3.16, 3.23, 4.6, 4.13, 4.27

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM

  Mixed Gender (minimum 2 men, 2 women)

Winter 2025 Court Jam Volleyball Tournament

  • Locations: St Margaret's School
  • • Day: Saturday • Starts: Saturday, March 29
    Deadline: Sunday, March 23
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Join us for a brand-new winter Court Volleyball Tournament! Taking place at the St. Margaret's School, this one day tournament will be one you don't want to miss.

All teams are guaranteed 5 x 30-minute games during the tournament.

All VSSC Court Volleyball League rules apply - Minimum 2 men & 2 women.

Tournament Champions will win Championship T-Shirts, bragging rights and a future FREE Tournament Team Registration!


9:00 AM

ic_sport All Sorts Of Sports
  Open Gender, 90 minutes, Soccer, Ultimate, Flag Football, and Outdoor Volleyball

Summer 2025 All-Sorts-of-Sports & Pub Social @ GNS - Friday

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If you are new to Victoria, looking to meet some amazing people or hang out with friends while playing sports this Summer, this is your opportunity! The All-Sorts-of-Sports & Pub Social offers a great balance of sport and social. Teams are decided before each game, so you will have the opportunity to play with new people every week!

We will rotate through Soccer, Ultimate, Flag Football, and Outdoor Volleyball. We will play sports for an hour and half of fun, then it's off to the pub we go!


# OF GAMES: 14 games

GAME TIMES: Games start at 6:30pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: May 16th, August 1st.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, May 6th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

5.9, 5.23, 5.30, 6.6, 6.13, 6.20, 6.27, 7.4, 7.11, 7.18, 7.25, 8.8, 8.15, 8.22

6:30 PM

ic_sport All Sorts Of Sports
  Open Gender, 90 minutes, Soccer, Ultimate, Flag Football, and Outdoor Volleyball

Summer 2025 All-Sorts-of-Sports & Pub Social @ Victor Brodeur - Friday

  • Locations: Victor Brodeur Field
  • • Day: Friday • Starts: Friday, May 9
    Deadline: Monday, April 21
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If you are new to Victoria, looking to meet some amazing people or hang out with friends while playing sports this Summer, this is your opportunity! The All-Sorts-of-Sports & Pub Social offers a great balance of sport and social. Teams are decided before each game, so you will have the opportunity to play with new people every week!

We will rotate through Soccer, Ultimate, Flag Football, and Outdoor Volleyball. We will play sports for an hour and half of fun, then it's off to the pub we go!


# OF GAMES: 14 games

GAME TIMES: Games start at 6:30pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: May 16th, August 1st.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, May 6th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

5.9, 5.23, 5.30, 6.6, 6.13, 6.20, 6.27, 7.4, 7.11, 7.18, 7.25, 8.8, 8.15, 8.22

6:30 PM

  Mixed Gender (minimum 3 men, 3 women) 90 minute games.

Summer 2025 Softball Recreational - Friday

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Join in on the ball game this Summer with VSSC! One of the most popular Summer Season sports has returned with multiple leagues throughout the Victoria area.


# OF GAMES: 14 games (12 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

GAME TIMES: Start time is 6:30pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).


SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, May 6th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

5.9, 5.23, 5.30, 6.6, 6.13, 6.20, 6.27, 7.4, 7.11, 7.18, 7.25, 8.8, 8.15, 8.22

6:30 PM

  5-on-5 Mixed Gender (Minimum 1 man, 1 woman)

Summer 2025 Indoor Basketball 5's Recreational - Sunday

  • Locations: St Margaret's School
  • • Day: Sunday • Starts: Sunday, May 11
    Deadline: Monday, April 21
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Basketball is a well-loved SSC sport. We play 5-on-5 basketball in a fun, high-energy and fast-paced setting every week – emphasis on FUN! Players need to bring their sneakers and a team ball, and VSSC will take care of the rest!

These Recreational and Intermediate Leagues are mixed gender and teams are required to have a minimum of 1 man and 1 woman on the court each week.


# OF GAMES: 14 games (12 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 6:00pm and 9:00pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: May 18, August 3.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, May 6th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

5.11, 5.25, 6.1, 6.8, 6.15, 6.22, 6.29, 7.6, 7.13, 7.20, 7.27, 8.10, 8.17, 8.24

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 9:00 PM

  7-on-7 Mixed Gender (Minimum 2 men, 2 women)

Summer 2025 Turf Soccer 7's @ Vic High - Sunday

  • Locations: Victoria High School
  • • Day: Sunday • Starts: Sunday, May 11
    Deadline: Monday, April 21
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Turf Soccer 7's is back at Victoria High School and is now Mixed Gender!

This 7-on-7 game combines all the aspects of soccer that you know and love with the added benefit of playing on pristine turf.


# OF GAMES: 14 Games (12 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 6:00pm and 7:00pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: May 18, Aug 3.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, May 6th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

5.11, 5.25, 6.1, 6.8, 6.15, 6.22, 6.29, 7.6, 7.13, 7.20, 7.27, 8.10, 8.17, 8.24

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM

  7-on-7 Mixed Gender (Minimum 2 men, 2 women)

Summer 2025 Turf Soccer 7's @ GNS - Sunday

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Turf Soccer 7's is back again this Summer at the gorgeous GNS turf field!

This 7-on-7 game combines all the aspects of soccer that you know and love with the added benefit of playing on pristine turf.


# OF GAMES: 14 Games (12 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 12:30pm and 4:30pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: May 18, Aug 3.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, May 6th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

5.11, 5.25, 6.1, 6.8, 6.15, 6.22, 6.29, 7.6, 7.13, 7.20, 7.27, 8.10, 8.17, 8.24

1:30 PM, 2:30 PM, 3:30 PM, 4:30 PM

  Mixed Gender (minimum 3 men, 3 women) 90 minute games.

Summer 2025 Softball - Sunday

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Join in on the ball game this Summer with VSSC! One of the most popular Summer Season sports has returned with multiple leagues throughout the Victoria area.


# OF GAMES: 14 games (12 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 12:30pm. and 4:30pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: May 18, August 3.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, May 6th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

5.11, 5.25, 6.1, 6.8, 6.15, 6.22, 6.29, 7.6, 7.13, 7.20, 7.27, 8.10, 8.17, 8.24

12:00 PM, 1:30 PM, 3:00 PM, 4:30 PM

  6-on-6 Mixed Gender (Minimum 2 men, 2 women)

Summer 2025 Beach Volleyball 6's Recreational - Sunday

  • Locations: Naden Beach Court
  • • Day: Sunday • Starts: Sunday, May 11
    Deadline: Monday, April 21
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Play Beach Volleyball 6's at the Juan de Fuca beach volleyball courts. VSSC's Beach Volleyball 6's is available to play up to five nights a week.

This league is mixed gender and teams are required to have a minimum 2 men and 2 women on the court at all times. Game times are 60 minutes.


# OF GAMES: 14 games (12 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 2:00pm and 5:00pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: May 18, August 3.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, May 6th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

5.11, 5.25, 6.1, 6.8, 6.15, 6.22, 6.29, 7.6, 7.13, 7.20, 7.27, 8.10, 8.17, 8.24

2:00 PM, 3:00 PM, 4:00 PM, 5:00 PM

  5-on-5 Mixed Gender (Minimum 1 man, 1 woman)

Summer 2025 Indoor Basketball 5's - Monday

  • Locations: St Margaret's School
  • • Day: Monday • Starts: Monday, May 12
    Deadline: Monday, April 21
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Basketball is a well-loved SSC sport. We play 5-on-5 basketball in a fun, high-energy and fast-paced setting every week – emphasis on FUN! Players need to bring their sneakers and a team ball, and VSSC will take care of the rest!

These Recreational and Intermediate Leagues are mixed gender and teams are required to have a minimum of 1 man and 1 woman on the court each week.


# OF GAMES: 16 games (14 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 6:00pm and 9:00pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: No bye dates.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, May 6th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

5.12, 5.19, 5.26, 6.2, 6.9, 6.16, 6.23, 6.30, 7.7, 7.14, 7.21, 7.28, 8.4, 8.11, 8.18, 8.25

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 9:00 PM

Floor Hockey
  4-on-4 + Goalie - Mixed Gender (Minimum 1 man, 1 woman) 55 minutes

Summer 2025 Floor Hockey - Monday

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You miss 100% of the shots you don't take! So why not join us for Floor Hockey this season?


🏒EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Equipment is provided on site. Goalies may wish to bring their own gear.

📅# OF GAMES: 16 games (14 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

🕛GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 6:00pm and 9:00pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: No bye dates.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

SKILL: League will be tiered based on team skill level and previous season results.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, May 6th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

5.12, 5.19, 5.26, 6.2, 6.9, 6.16, 6.23, 6.30, 7.7, 7.14, 7.21, 7.28, 8.4, 8.11, 8.18, 8.25

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 9:00 PM

  6-on-6 Open Gender (No gender restrictions)

Summer 2025 Indoor Turf Soccer 6's @ Island Training Center - Monday

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Play Indoor Turf Soccer 6's at the Pacific FC Island Training Centre.

This 6-on-6 game combines all the aspects of soccer that you know and love with the added benefit of playing on turf and avoiding the outdoor weather.


⚽EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: This league requires teams to bring a soccer ball. Equipment rentals are not provided by VSSC.

📅# OF GAMES: 16 games (14 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

🕛GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 6:30pm and 7:30pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: No bye dates.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, May 6th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

5.12, 5.19, 5.26, 6.2, 6.9, 6.16, 6.23, 6.30, 7.7, 7.14, 7.21, 7.28, 8.4, 8.11, 8.18, 8.25

6:30 PM, 7:30 PM

  6-on-6 Mixed Gender (Minimum 2 men, 2 women) 60 Minutes.

Summer 2025 Field Soccer 6's - Monday

  • Locations: Victor Brodeur Field
  • • Day: Monday • Starts: Monday, May 12
    Deadline: Monday, April 21
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Field soccer is back and better than ever! Field Soccer will now be at Esquimalt's Victoria Brodeur field, Victoria's nicest and most well maintained field.


# OF GAMES: 14 games (12 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

GAME TIMES: Games start at 6:00pm and 7:00pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES May 19th

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, May 6th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

5.12, 5.19, 5.26, 6.2, 6.9, 6.16, 6.23, 6.30, 7.7, 7.14, 7.21, 7.28, 8.4, 8.11, 8.18, 8.25

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM

  7-on-7 Mixed Gender (Minimum 2 men, 2 women)

Summer 2025 Turf Soccer 7's Recreational - Monday

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Turf Soccer 7's is back again this Summer at the gorgeous GNS turf field!

This 7-on-7 game combines all the aspects of soccer that you know and love with the added benefit of playing on pristine turf.


# OF GAMES: 16 games (14 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 6:00pm and 7:00pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: No bye dates.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, May 6th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

5.12, 5.19, 5.26, 6.2, 6.9, 6.16, 6.23, 6.30, 7.7, 7.14, 7.21, 7.28, 8.4, 8.11, 8.18, 8.25

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM

  Mixed Gender (minimum 3 men, 3 women) 90 minute games.

Summer 2025 Softball - Monday

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Join in on the ball game this Summer with VSSC! One of the most popular Summer Season sports has returned with multiple leagues throughout the Victoria area.


# OF GAMES: 16 games (14 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

GAME TIMES: Start time is 6:30pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: No bye dates.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, May 6th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

5.12, 5.19, 5.26, 6.2, 6.9, 6.16, 6.23, 6.30, 7.7, 7.14, 7.21, 7.28, 8.4, 8.11, 8.18, 8.25

6:30 PM

  4-on-4 Mixed Gender (minimum 1 man and 1 woman)

Summer 2025 Beach Volleyball 4's Intermediate - Monday

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Play Beach Volleyball 4's Victoria High School and Naden Athletic Center Beach Courts. VSSC's Beach Volleyball 4's is available to play up to three nights a week.

This league is mixed gender and teams are required to have a minimum 1 man and 1 woman on the court at all times. Game times are 60 minutes.


# OF GAMES: 16 games (14 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 6:00pm and 7:00pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: No bye dates.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, May 6th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

5.12, 5.19, 5.26, 6.2, 6.9, 6.16, 6.23, 6.30, 7.7, 7.14, 7.21, 7.28, 8.4, 8.11, 8.18, 8.25

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM

  6-on-6 Mixed Gender (Minimum 2 men, 2 women) 60 Minutes.

Summer 2025 Indoor Court Volleyball 6's - Monday

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Bump, set and spike your way into our popular Court 6’s leagues that are a great mix of social, fun and competitive spirit!

We offer two skill divisions, recreation and intermediate. Unsure of your skill level? Check out our Skill Level guidelines in the footer menu at the bottom of our website.

This league is mixed gender and teams are required to have a minimum of 2 men and 2 women on the court.


🏐EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: This league requires teams to bring a basketball. Equipment rentals are not provided by VSSC.

📆# OF GAMES: 12 games (10 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

🕒GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 6:00pm and 10:00pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: No bye dates.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, May 6th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

5.12, 5.19, 5.26, 6.2, 6.9, 6.16, 6.23, 6.30, 7.7, 7.14, 7.21, 7.28, 8.4, 8.11, 8.18, 8.25

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM

  6-on-6 Mixed Gender (Minimum 2 men, 2 women)

Summer 2025 Beach Volleyball 6's - Monday

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Play Beach Volleyball 6's at the beautiful new Victoria High School and Naden Beach Volleyball Courts. VSSC's Beach Volleyball 6's is available to play up to five nights a week.

This league is mixed gender and teams are required to have a minimum 2 men and 2 women on the court at all times. Game times are 60 minutes.


# OF GAMES: 16 games (14 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 6:00pm and 7:00pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: No bye dates.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, May 6th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

5.12, 5.19, 5.26, 6.2, 6.9, 6.16, 6.23, 6.30, 7.7, 7.14, 7.21, 7.28, 8.4, 8.11, 8.18, 8.25

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM

  2-on-2 Open Gender (No gender restrictions). 1.5 hours of play.

Summer 2025 Badminton Play & Social Session 1 - Tuesday

  • Locations: SJ Willis High School
  • • Day: Tuesday • Starts: Tuesday, May 13
    Deadline: Monday, April 21
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Have you always wanted to play more badminton? Skill level and experience do not matter with VSSC badminton, the only requirement is your desire to play!

Play Badminton and meet new people this season! Players will get a chance to play with different teammates and against different opponents every week for 1.5 hours, while enjoying this casual and social drop-in style of play!

Badminton is not eligible for Early Bird discounts.


🏸EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: This league requires teams to bring a badminton racquet. VSSC will provide nets and birdies on site. Equipment rentals are not provided by VSSC.

📅# OF GAMES: 8 weeks.

🕛 START TIME: Tuesday nights with start times of 6:00pm.

BYE DATES: July 1.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

5.13, 5.20, 5.27, 6.3, 6.10, 6.17, 6.24, 7.8

6:00 PM

  6-on-6 Mixed Gender (Minimum 2 men, 2 women)

Summer 2025 Dodgeball - Tuesday

  • Locations: North Douglas Church
  • • Day: Tuesday • Starts: Tuesday, May 13
    Deadline: Monday, April 21
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If you can dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge some more then this is the league for you! VSSC Dodgeball is easy to learn, fast-paced and is played 6-on-6! Emphasis is on FUN!


# OF GAMES: 16 games (14 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

GAME TIMES: Start times are allocated between 6:00pm and 9:00pm. VSSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: July 1.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, May 6th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

5.13, 5.20, 5.27, 6.3, 6.10, 6.17, 6.24, 7.8, 7.15, 7.22, 7.29, 8.5, 8.12, 8.19, 8.26, 9.2

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 9:00 PM

  7-on-7 Mixed Gender (Minimum 2 men, 2 women)

Summer 2025 Turf Soccer 7's Recreational - Tuesday

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Turf Soccer 7's is back again this Summer at the gorgeous GNS turf field!

This 7-on-7 game combines all the aspects of soccer that you know and love with the added benefit of playing on pristine turf.


# OF GAMES: 16 games (14 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 6:00pm and 7:00pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: July 1st.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, May 6th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

5.13, 5.20, 5.27, 6.3, 6.10, 6.17, 6.24, 7.8, 7.15, 7.22, 7.29, 8.5, 8.12, 8.19, 8.26, 9.2

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM

  Mixed Gender (minimum 3 men, 3 women) 90 minute games.

Summer 2025 Softball Recreational - Tuesday

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Join in on the ball game this Summer with VSSC! One of the most popular Summer Season sports has returned with multiple leagues throughout the Victoria area.


# OF GAMES: 16 games (14 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

GAME TIMES: Start time is 6:30pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: July 1.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, May 6th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

5.13, 5.20, 5.27, 6.3, 6.10, 6.17, 6.24, 7.8, 7.15, 7.22, 7.29, 8.5, 8.12, 8.19, 8.26, 9.2

6:30 PM

  6-on-6 Mixed Gender (Minimum 2 men, 2 women)

Summer 2025 Beach Volleyball 6's Intermediate - Tuesday

  • Locations: Naden Beach Court
  • • Day: Tuesday • Starts: Tuesday, May 13
    Deadline: Monday, April 21
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Play Beach Volleyball 6's at the Naden Athletic Centre Beach Volleyball Courts. VSSC's Beach Volleyball 6's is available to play up to five nights a week.

This league is mixed gender and teams are required to have a minimum 2 men and 2 women on the court at all times. Game times are 60 minutes.


# OF GAMES: 16 games (14 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 6:00pm and 7:00pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: July 1.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, May 6th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

5.13, 5.20, 5.27, 6.3, 6.10, 6.17, 6.24, 7.8, 7.15, 7.22, 7.29, 8.5, 8.12, 8.19, 8.26, 9.2

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM

ic_sport All Sorts Of Sports
  Mixed Gender (minimum 2 men, 2 women) Soccer, Ultimate, Flag Football, Grass Volleyball and Kickball

Summer 2025 All-Sorts-of-Sports Recreational - Wednesday

  • Locations: Monterey Middle School
  • • Day: Wednesday • Starts: Wednesday, May 14
    Deadline: Monday, April 21
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We know how hard it can be to pick just one sport to play which is why VSSC has you covered with our All-Sorts-of-Sports Recreational league!

Each week is a different sport, giving you the chance to enjoy a rotation of Soccer, Ultimate, Flag Football, Grass Volleyball and Kickball. Game times are 60 minutes to match our other leagues.

Sign-up as an individual, with friends or as a full team!


# OF GAMES: 16 games (14 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

GAME TIMES: Game time rotate between 6:00pm and 7:00pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: No bye dates.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, May 6th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

5.14, 5.21, 5.28, 6.4, 6.11, 6.18, 6.25, 7.2, 7.9, 7.16, 7.23, 7.30, 8.6, 8.13, 8.20, 8.27

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM

  5-on-5 Mixed Gender (Minimum 1 man, 1 woman)

Summer 2025 Indoor Basketball 5's - Wednesday

  • Locations: St Margaret's School
  • • Day: Wednesday • Starts: Wednesday, May 14
    Deadline: Monday, April 21
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Basketball is a well-loved SSC sport. We play 5-on-5 basketball in a fun, high-energy and fast-paced setting every week – emphasis on FUN! Players need to bring their sneakers and a team ball, and VSSC will take care of the rest!

These Recreational and Intermediate Leagues are mixed gender and teams are required to have a minimum of 1 man and 1 woman on the court each week.


# OF GAMES: 16 games (14 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 6:00pm and 9:00pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: No bye dates.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, May 6th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

5.14, 5.21, 5.28, 6.4, 6.11, 6.18, 6.25, 7.2, 7.9, 7.16, 7.23, 7.30, 8.6, 8.13, 8.20, 8.27

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 9:00 PM

Floor Hockey
  4-on-4 + Goalie - Mixed Gender (Minimum 1 man, 1 woman) 55 minutes

Summer 2025 Floor Hockey - Wednesday

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You miss 100% of the shots you don't take! So why not join us for Floor Hockey this season?


🏒EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Equipment is provided on site. Goalies may wish to bring their own gear.

📅# OF GAMES: 16 games (14 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

🕛GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 6:00pm and 9:00pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: No bye dates.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

SKILL: League will be tiered based on team skill level and previous season results.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, May 6th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

5.14, 5.21, 5.28, 6.4, 6.11, 6.18, 6.25, 7.2, 7.9, 7.16, 7.23, 7.30, 8.6, 8.13, 8.20, 8.27

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 9:00 PM

  6-on-6 Open Gender (No gender restrictions)

Summer 2025 Indoor Turf Soccer 6's @ Island Training Center - Wednesday

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Play Indoor Turf Soccer 6's at the Pacific FC Island Training Centre.

This 6-on-6 game combines all the aspects of soccer that you know and love with the added benefit of playing on turf and avoiding the outdoor weather.


⚽EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: This league requires teams to bring a soccer ball. Equipment rentals are not provided by VSSC.

📅# OF GAMES: 16 games (14 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

🕛GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 6:30pm and 7:30pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: No bye dates.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, May 6th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

5.14, 5.28, 6.4, 6.11, 6.18, 6.25, 7.2, 7.9, 7.16, 7.23, 7.30, 8.6, 8.13, 8.20, 8.27, 9.3

6:30 PM

  7-on-7 Mixed Gender (Minimum 2 men, 2 women)

Summer 2025 Turf Soccer 7's Recreational - Wednesday

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Turf Soccer 7's is back again this Summer at the gorgeous GNS turf field!

This 7-on-7 game combines all the aspects of soccer that you know and love with the added benefit of playing on pristine turf.


# OF GAMES: 16 games (14 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 6:00pm and 7:00pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: No bye dates.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, May 6th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

5.14, 5.21, 5.28, 6.4, 6.11, 6.18, 6.25, 7.2, 7.9, 7.16, 7.23, 7.30, 8.6, 8.13, 8.20, 8.27

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM

  Mixed Gender (minimum 3 men, 3 women) 90 minute games.

Summer 2025 Softball Recreational - Wednesday

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More Info

Join in on the ball game this Summer with VSSC! One of the most popular Summer Season sports has returned with multiple leagues throughout the Victoria area.


# OF GAMES: 16 games (14 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

GAME TIMES: Start time is 6:30pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: No bye dates.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, May 6th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

5.14, 5.21, 5.28, 6.4, 6.11, 6.18, 6.25, 7.2, 7.9, 7.16, 7.23, 7.30, 8.6, 8.13, 8.20, 8.27

6:30 PM

  6-on-6 Mixed Gender (Minimum 2 men, 2 women)

Summer 2025 Beach Volleyball 6's - Wednesday

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Play Beach Volleyball 6's at the beautiful new Victoria High School and Naden Beach Volleyball Courts. VSSC's Beach Volleyball 6's is available to play up to five nights a week.

This league is mixed gender and teams are required to have a minimum 2 men and 2 women on the court at all times. Game times are 60 minutes.


# OF GAMES: 16 games (14 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 6:00pm and 7:00pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: No bye dates.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, May 6th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

5.14, 5.21, 5.28, 6.4, 6.11, 6.18, 6.25, 7.2, 7.9, 7.16, 7.23, 7.30, 8.6, 8.13, 8.20, 8.27

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM

  4-on-4 Mixed Gender (minimum 1 man and 1 woman)

Summer 2025 Beach Volleyball 4's Intermediate - Wednesday

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Play Beach Volleyball 4's Victoria High School and Naden Athletic Center Beach Courts. VSSC's Beach Volleyball 4's is available to play up to three nights a week.

This league is mixed gender and teams are required to have a minimum 1 man and 1 woman on the court at all times. Game times are 60 minutes.


# OF GAMES: 16 games (14 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 6:00pm and 7:00pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: No bye dates.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, May 6th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

5.14, 5.21, 5.28, 6.4, 6.11, 6.18, 6.25, 7.2, 7.9, 7.16, 7.23, 7.30, 8.6, 8.13, 8.20, 8.27

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM

  5-on-5 Mixed Gender (Minimum 1 man, 1 woman) , 55 minutes

Summer 2025 Futsal Recreational - Thursday

  • Locations: SJ Willis High School
  • • Day: Thursday • Starts: Thursday, May 15
    Deadline: Monday, April 21
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Futsal (indoor soccer) is an amazing sport that is fast paced and requires high energy. It simulates the outdoor game but indoors, with touchline boundaries, with small sided games (5-vs-5) and a smaller ball (size 4). VSSC uses a low bounce ball which promotes more ball control.


⚽EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: This league requires teams to bring a futsal ball.Teams can choose to purchase their own equipment, or rent from VSSC! Teams and should visit our Equipment Rental Page for more information including price and important pick up dates.

📅# OF GAMES: 16 games (14 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

🕛GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 6:00pm and 8:00pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: No bye dates.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, May 6th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

5.15, 5.22, 5.29, 6.5, 6.12, 6.19, 6.26, 7.3, 7.10, 7.17, 7.24, 7.31, 8.7, 8.14, 8.21, 8.28

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM

  7-on-7 Mixed Gender (Minimum 2 men, 2 women)

Summer 2025 Turf Soccer 7's Recreational - Thursday

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Turf Soccer 7's is back again this Summer at the gorgeous GNS turf field!

This 7-on-7 game combines all the aspects of soccer that you know and love with the added benefit of playing on pristine turf.


# OF GAMES: 16 games (14 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 6:00pm and 7:00pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: No bye dates.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, May 6th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

5.15, 5.22, 5.29, 6.5, 6.12, 6.19, 6.26, 7.3, 7.10, 7.17, 7.24, 7.31, 8.7, 8.14, 8.21, 8.28

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM

  Mixed Gender (minimum 3 men, 3 women) 90 minute games.

Summer 2025 Softball Recreational - Thursday

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More Info

Join in on the ball game this Summer with VSSC! One of the most popular Summer Season sports has returned with multiple leagues throughout the Victoria area.


# OF GAMES: 16 games (14 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

GAME TIMES: Start time is 6:30pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: No bye dates.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, May 6th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

5.15, 5.22, 5.29, 6.5, 6.12, 6.19, 6.26, 7.3, 7.10, 7.17, 7.24, 7.31, 8.7, 8.14, 8.21, 8.28

6:30 PM

  6-on-6 Mixed Gender (Minimum 2 men, 2 women)

Summer 2025 Beach Volleyball 6's Recreational - Thursday

  • Locations: Naden Beach Court
  • • Day: Thursday • Starts: Thursday, May 15
    Deadline: Monday, April 21
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Play Beach Volleyball 6's at the Naden Athletic Centre Beach Volleyball Courts. VSSC's Beach Volleyball 6's is available to play up to five nights a week.

This league is mixed gender and teams are required to have a minimum 2 men and 2 women on the court at all times. Game times are 60 minutes.


# OF GAMES: 16 games (14 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

GAME TIMES: Start times rotate between 6:00pm and 7:00pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: No bye dates.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, May 6th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

5.15, 5.22, 5.29, 6.5, 6.12, 6.19, 6.26, 7.3, 7.10, 7.17, 7.24, 7.31, 8.7, 8.14, 8.21, 8.28

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM

  6-on-6 Mixed Gender (Minimum 2 men, 2 women)

Summer 2025 Field Soccer 6's Wednesday - Recreational

  • Locations: Victor Brodeur Field
  • • Day: Wednesday • Starts: Wednesday, June 18
    Deadline: Thursday, June 12
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Field soccer is back and better than ever! Field Soccer will now be at Esquimalt's Victoria Brodeur field, Victoria's nicest and most well maintained field.


# OF GAMES: 10 games (8 regular season games + 2 playoff games)

GAME TIMES: Games start at 6:00pm and 7:00pm. SSC makes every effort to ensure teams receive a mix of game times and locations (where applicable).

BYE DATES: No bye dates.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, June 10th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

6.18, 6.25, 7.2, 7.9, 7.16, 7.23, 7.30, 8.6, 8.13, 8.20

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM

Lawn Bowling
  3-on-3 Open Gender

Summer 2025 Lawn Bowling Recreational - Tuesday

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Lawn Bowling is back this Summer!

Play at the beautiful Canadian Pacific Lawn Bowling & Croquet Club. The VSSC Lawn Bowling League is accessible for veterans of the game and new comers alike. The Lawn Bowling season will be a total of 9 weeks with the first session being an instructional session on how to play. Game times are 90 minutes.


# OF GAMES: 9 games (7 regular season games, 1 instructional session, 1 play-off game)

GAME TIMES: Games start at 6:30pm.

BYE DATES: July 1.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters for players who registered individually will be posted for most sports on Tuesday, June 17th. Captains who registered as a full team, must have rosters updated (all players added to your roster) prior to your first game.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

6.24, 7.8, 7.15, 7.22, 7.29, 8.5, 8.12, 8.19, 8.26

6:30 PM

  2-on-2 Open Gender (No gender restrictions). 1.5 hours of play.

Summer 2025 Badminton Play & Social Session 2 - Tuesday

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Have you always wanted to play more badminton? Skill level and experience do not matter with VSSC badminton, the only requirement is your desire to play!

Play Badminton and meet new people this season! Players will get a chance to play with different teammates and against different opponents every week for 1.5 hours, while enjoying this casual and social drop-in style of play!

Badminton is not eligible for Early Bird discounts.


🏸EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: This league requires teams to bring a badminton racquet. VSSC will provide nets and birdies on site. Equipment rentals are not provided by VSSC.

📅# OF GAMES: 8 weeks.

🕛 START TIME: Tuesday nights with start times of 6:00pm.

BYE DATES: No bye dates.

SCHEDULE: Schedules will be posted online 2 days before your league is set to start.

To view our policies and learn more about common questions check out the FAQ section at the top of our website. After completing your registration, please take time to review the confirmation email which contains important information to help you prepare for the upcoming league.

7.15, 7.22, 7.29, 8.5, 8.12, 8.19, 8.26, 9.2

6:00 PM

  Mixed Gender, 6's or 4s

Summer 2025 Sand Jam Beach Volleyball Tournament

  • Locations: Victoria Highschool
  • • Day: Saturday • Starts: Saturday, July 19
    Deadline: Monday, July 14
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Sand Jam Summer Tournament is BACK! Join us at the Victoria Highschool beach courts on Saturday, July 19th, 2025 for a fun-packed day of Beach Volleyball with friends!

All teams are guaranteed 5 x 30-minute games during the tournament.

All VSSC Beach Volleyball League rules apply - Minimum 2 men & 2 women (6's format), and Minimum of 1 men & 1 women (4's format).

Tournament Champions will win Championship T-Shirts, bragging rights and a future FREE Tournament Team Registration!


9:00 AM, 9:45 AM, 10:30 AM, 11:15 AM, 12:00 PM, 12:45 PM, 1:30 PM, 1:45 PM, 2:30 PM, 3:15 PM, 4:00 PM

  Mixed Gender

Summer 2025 Watermelon Classic Softball Tournament

  • Locations: Bullen Park
  • • Day: Saturday • Starts: Saturday, August 23
    Deadline: Monday, August 18
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Join us for a day of Softball with friends! VSSC's annual Watermelon Classic is back, and better than ever!

Register your team today to secure a spot in the tournament. Guaranteed 3 x 55 minute games, music, chances at prizes; and of course the VSSC coveted championship t-shirts!

Equipment required? 🤔🥎
Yes! Teams need to bring bats and gloves.

Equipment provided? ✨🏆
Yes! We will provide bases and balls.


9:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 1:00 PM, 2:00 PM, 3:00 PM, 4:00 PM, 5:00 PM